3. Project Erasmus + 2016: Start for change - Erasmus + - Secondary School 4 Suceava - Alcala de Henares, Spain, 2016

Project Title: Start for change! Key Action 1 (KA 1),

Mobility in school education, Erasmus Programme +

The project aims to acquire additional interactive methods and innovative ICT skills of 10 teachers in our school through participation in European training courses in the period November 2015 - November 2016, in order to increase motivation for learning and quality of education.

Secondary objectives pursued are: enhancing knowledge on interactive methods of teaching used in other European education systems, improving key competences of European (particularly ICT skills and communication skills in a foreign language), encouraging innovation in education, promoting learning throughout lifetime.

To be a good teacher must be a continuing training, not to the ceiling, interact with colleagues, to seek examples of best practices and to apply or adapt them to his school. A good teacher must be a professional education. At the core of education positive will always stand motivation (both from the educated and the educator), the base material - teaching school, a curriculum clearly formulated for the man of tomorrow (future citizen of the planet) to meet the social needs and personal, learning based on practical applicability in practice (and only formal, based on acquiring knowledge).

Fluxul no.3: 9-15.04.2016 (Alcala de Henares, Spania), "Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT: The Digital Classroom" 

By attending the course, I will improve ICT skills, using the computing training provider. At the same time, it’s opportunity to use new educational software in the work of the chair, which will improve their digital skills and personal. You can acquire some vocational skills, such as identifying individual learning needs of the students; encourage and facilitate independent learning, helping students to "learn how to learn" understanding and use strategies for active learning, student-centered, facilitating the acquisition by pupils use key skills of ICT in education. My participation in this course / school furniture in abroad follows: the need for their own training, increased motivation for innovation education, basic skills in ICT and communication in a foreign language, commitment and dedication in carrying out school activities, skills for teamwork, willingness to disseminate the information obtained and to value the experiences and skills acquired.

"Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT: 

The Digital Classroom" 

The course is designed to help teachers to start using Web 2.0 technologies in everyday classroom in a practical and realistic way. This course is intended for anyone with a desire to increase their proficiency in bringing technology into the classroom. The course content is not limited to teachers of a specific subject. On the contrary it is open to teachers of all subjects and levels. The aim of the course is to enable participants to use ICT tools through  Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogging, websites from a didactical perspective and enhancing language interdisciplinary inquiry through a Digital Classroom.

Before the training, selected participants will be invited to fill in a questionnaire in which they can present their respective views on the training and select priority issues.

·         Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
·         Providing general information about ICT within various classes
·         Defining ICT usage in education with its benefits, provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
·         Familiarize teachers with current Web 2.0 and Internet trends
·         Giving a space for exchange of experiences and good practices among people coming from different countries who work in the same field
·         Higher motivation to remain on task by working in small groups;
·         Developing actively and constructively students’ involvement in the work at class;
·         Encouraging students to take the ownership of their own learning;
·         Improving teamwork skills through the use of ICT;
·         Exchanging experiences in cooperative and collaborative learning process as long as in creativity and innovation;
·         Sharing of best practice in teaching and learning, using ICT.
Our course enables teachers to become confident and competent enough to create a digital classroom through the use of the Web 2.0. 

Coursework will contain a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. Participants will be given the theoretical information that they need to effectively create and implement their own learning solutions when implementing ICT and Web 2.0 within the classroom. Using this theoretical knowledge, they will then complete several practical tasks designed to create a digital classroom.
Chosen course gave us the opportunity to open and flexible education through the use of innovative methods and techniques of teaching - learning that promotes creativity and motivation in the students use learning strategies, student centered on teamwork, the use emotional intelligences. It will also contribute to the acquisition of skills required to organize the infrastructure of a blog and manage multimedia projects.
Participation in this training has enabled us to develop our skills working with students based on using a greater degree of active-participatory methods, student-centered, motivational methods with a high quality. Being interactive courses, we worked as a team, we exchanged ideas and certainly we try to lay the foundations for future partnerships at European level, developing the European identity of the school.
The results will be reflected in the strengthening of common European values, reporting to European standards to increase the quality and motivation in the learning environment. During the project, we have accumulated information for the organization of hours more attractive and interesting, the contents taught to be closer to the learning needs of students, examples and learning tasks are more relevant and involve more teamwork.
We could develop personal and social competence by developing activities and teaching various subjects outside the classroom, the theory being connected at all times of practice, we learned how to plan hours for students to discover the contents taught, thus increasing student motivation and quality education offered to them.

This project helps us improve our ICT skills and also represents an opportunity to use educational software to chair our work to improve digital literacy, professional and personal.

Chosen course gave us the opportunity to open and flexible education through the use of innovative methods and techniques of teaching - learning that promotes creativity and motivation in the students use learning strategies, student centered on teamwork, the use emotional intelligences. It will also contribute to the acquisition of skills required to organize the infrastructure of a blog and manage multimedia projects.
Participation in this training has enabled us to develop our skills working with students based on using a greater degree of active-participatory methods, student-centered, motivational methods with a high quality. Being interactive courses, we worked as a team, we exchanged ideas and certainly we try to lay the foundations for future partnerships at European level, developing the European identity of the school.
The results will be reflected in the strengthening of common European values, reporting to European standards to increase the quality and motivation in the learning environment. During the project, we have accumulated information for the organization of hours more attractive and interesting, the contents taught to be closer to the learning needs of students, examples and learning tasks are more relevant and involve more teamwork.
We could develop personal and social competence by developing activities and teaching various subjects outside the classroom, the theory being connected at all times of practice, we learned how to plan hours for students to discover the contents taught, thus increasing student motivation and quality education offered to them.

              This project helps us improve our ICT skills and also represents an opportunity to use educational software to chair our work to improve digital literacy, professional and personal.

Best regards, appreciation and respect

teachers at Secondary School no. 4 Suceava, Romania

Dumitru Moscaliuc - math teacher
Bogdan Nistor - geography teacher

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